Fate Into Destiny Founder

Margo Davis


“Fate Into Destiny was birthed from the truth that was uncovered during transformative sessions I had with my own personal life coach. I had unconsciously come to believe that my life choices were limited; that my FATE was predetermined by a set of circumstances that I inherited, and that the direction of my life was out of my control. In other words, I had accepted that my life was DESTINED to be like many of the people in my life who had become complacent and content with their life “as is”.

Now, I realize and accept that my DESTINY is MY CHOICE. I am committed to consciously choosing to love and honor myself by saying “Yes” to my life; by powerfully standing in full expression of who I am, all of who I am becoming, and a resounding “Yes” to my life’s purpose to express love in a world that is filled with unlimited possibilities. As Michelle Obama says, I’m choosing to say “Yes” to “living my life out loud!”


Margo Davis

I truly believe that each of us have a gift and a purpose that we are meant to share with the world. It is my passion and my purpose to encourage others to embrace the process of divinely loving and honoring “all” of themselves, and to purposefully listen from within to reveal and awaken their own gifts…their passion…their purpose!

As a child, and as an adult, I often remember fantasizing about the person I would be when I “grew up”, and what my purpose was in life. I’ve always known that I was drawn to helping people…to making them feel better…to lifting them up, and to making them smile. And, I absolutely loved how these experiences made me feel inside! I had no idea the very thing that made me feel good inside…my passion…could actually be my purpose.

Today, I am honored to serve as a partner in transformation with women and men who are ready to identify, understand, and overcome the habits…the behaviors…and the thoughts that have kept them from fully experiencing the life they desire. I do this by applying the intense training I’ve received as a certified Blueprint Shadow Coach, Mindfulness Coach, Relationship Workshop Facilitator, and a Peer Recovery Supporter.

I am also a certified Crystal Reiki Master Teacher, and a certified Holy Fire® III World Peace Karuna Reiki® Master, which allows me to offer services to enhance the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being of others.

Holy Fire® and Karuna Reiki® are registered service marks of William Lee Rand.

I understand…I was there. There was someone there for me… and I want to be here for you.
— Margo Davis

Mike Davis

I am a family man, and I have a loving family who remind me each day of how blessed I am to have their unconditional love and support! Over the years; I’ve interacted with a lot of people who, in one way or another, helped shape who I am today, and there are some I am pleased to say are my friends.

I suffered from the disease of addition from the time I was 14 years old until I came into recovery at the age of 38. It was only through God’s grace, in 1988, I entered into an in-patient treatment facility where my process of recovery began.

As I stepped out on faith, I realized that the choice was mine; I could continue to deny how completely unmanageable my life was or I could take the steps to recovery within the 12 step program. The choice was mine…I chose recovery.

With the support of my spiritual advisors; my transformation process, which includes 16+ years of studying metaphysics at the Rhisis Institute of Metaphysics with Bob & Mary Ann Burrows, who have given me priceless knowledge and wisdom in living the daily principles shared in A Course in Miracles and The Path of Light.

One of my greatest joys is being sponsored, and serving as a sponsor, to those recovering from the disease of addiction. I am also blessed with the opportunity to serve as the facilitator of the Men’s Topics and Discussion group. This men’s group was created to support men who are open and willing to share their experiences to help one another.

I am a certified Personal Development Coach, Relationship Workshop Facilitator, Peer Recovery Supporter, and a First Degree Usui Ryoho Reiki Practitioner.

I am proud to say I am living my best life! “Just for Today” is not just a saying…it’s the way I live my life.
— Mike Davis

Together we can!

We use our personal life experiences as well as our impeccable training to serve as your wellness guides.  We are here to be your partner in transformation… supporting you as you tap into your purpose and passion… encouraging you to reach for your dreams.   You are our why!

Complimentary consultations are available upon your request!

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